Flutter Firebase Chat App Complete Guide #1

Cupertino Tab Bar Flutter

3 min readJun 30, 2022

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This is the first chapter in which we are going to build a Bottom Navigation Bar known as a Tab Bar in Flutter for the Flutter Chat App with the look and feel for iOS users using the Cupertino Theme.

Cupertino Tab Bar Flutter — Flutter Chat App Complete Tutorial #1 @youtube.com/keynotecast
Cupertino Tab Bar Flutter - Flutter Chat App Complete Tutorial #1

Flutter is a modern way of creating beautiful UI for any platform that runs dart virtual machine, commonly known as dartvm. Flutter uses skia engine to draw elements to the screen, based on this, we can say an App built with Flutter is native and with high performance. Flutter uses a declarative approach to build UI, with a simple widgets tree you can build anything that you can imagine. Although Flutter is relatively new, his popularity is growing exponentially every day.

Cupertino Tab Bar Flutter — Flutter Chat App Complete Tutorial #1

Why we are going to build a complete Flutter Firebase Chat App? With so many multi-platform frameworks available in the…



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